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Support FFNW💛

If you would like to be part of supporting the mission of Functional Fertility Northwest -

- you can make an impact ~ for generations

to provide life-saving, life-embracing reproductive health care, 

to uphold the dignity of the human person, and

to honor women, by empowering them to understand and care for their bodies in a way

   that does not damage or destroy their natural cycle or fertility, and therefore the other

   interconnected systems in their bodies  

Donations by check are welcome at any time.  For more information please contact the Functional Fertility Northwest "Generations Program" manager at:

Your support affects generations

The Generations Program is a benevolence fund designed to support ongoing low cost services and discounts to those who may not otherwise be able to access this care, including college-aged women, and women who need urgent services to maintain a current pregnancy or get help with post partum depression.  Funds in the Generations Program are only used to support free and discounted services, unless otherwise designated by the donor (rent and free workshops and events are other areas that donors may wish to support). 


Most of us know couples who have struggled with infertility who thought their only hope was IVF, or women who have struggled with other reproductive difficulties, including cycle-related mood disorders, who thought the only help available was birth control pills or antidepressants.  Women and families deserve better!

Over the past several months, as I had to transition these services from the previous setting where I had started them, and re-open my private practice, several people have asked how they can help, knowing that my hope has always been to keep these services available and affordable.  The Generations Program is part of the solution!  (Other parts of the solution are: modest provider and staff pay, exceptionally streamlined overhead, volunteer tech and bookkeeping support, and most of all Divine Providence in multiplying the loaves and fishes of our efforts.)

Is FFNW a non-profit organization?

No.  Functional Fertility Northwest is a small, private, local, cash-pay, affordable specialty practice dedicated to the principles of the mission above, as part of Wellpower Functional Medicine, PLLC (the functional medicine practice Monica started in 2015, dedicated to wellness + empowerment for all patients).

Why help a private business instead of a non-profit?

Some non-profits do amazing work and provide a unique way to serve the needs of the community.  Yet, as all of us who donate to various organizations often wonder, "is my donation actually going to the people and causes I truly want to support?"  Or do donations end up in superfluous projects, administrative bloat, lots of meetings, and glossy mailers?

Additionally, non-profits must have an advisory Board.  These Boards consist of members who may or may not understand what it takes to provide the services, may not have direct contact with the needs of staff and patients/clients, or with the effects of Board decisions, and Board members generally do not bear personal responsibility or liability for the outcomes of their decisions. 

Finally, for most donors, there is no tax benefit in donating to any cause or non-profit, unless the donations is in the tens of thousands of dollars or more.  But the patients of FFNW greatly appreciate discounts to visits, whether the discount is $45 $95 or $200...

Functional Fertility Northwest must pay its bills, must compete in the marketplace, and must face the realities of business.  Market forces would allow much higher pricing than what FFNW charges for its services.  Functional medicine and NaPro providers, especially in combination, are rare, especially in our area.  However, this work is also a mission.  And the "mission force" demands that prices be kept low. 


Pricing is shown at the end of each of the Services pages, and you will recognize the comparative affordability of these specialty medical services.  Generous discounts for college-age students are part of the normal price structure, and other discounts are given when possible. It is also the guarantee of FFNW that no woman who is need of post partum depression care will be refused service due to inability to pay the visit fee of $100.  See also our "Free Services" page, and Events page.  These discounts and free services are all currently subsidized by this small practice.  While it is part of the mission of FFNW to make this care affordable, it is also part of the mission to keep these services sustainable and available in our area, and for the reach of the philosophy of FFNW to grow.  

How can I support FFNW?

Donations by check in any amount are welcome at any time.  Checks can be made payable to: Functional Fertility Northwest

and mailed to: 401 E. Veatch St., Moscow, ID 83843 

If you have questions or would like to designate your donation for an event, or for a specific kind of care, or toward paying a bill (rent, utilities, electric bill), please contact Generations Program manager at


What will happen if I donate to FFNW?

Your donation will be set aside, unless otherwise directed, in the "Generations Fund" account, which is managed by our experienced volunteer bookkeeper and Generations Fund manager.  When a patient gets discounted services from FFNW, the cost of the discount or the entire visit, if needed, will be transferred from the Generations Fund (if there's any money in it!)  Therefore, donations in the Generations Fund will directly support the medical care of the woman or couple.

Your good deed will not be answered with any solicitations for more funds!

You will not receive any goods or services in exchange for your donation.

Your name will not be placed on a mailing list.

Your accountant will not be impressed by your non-tax deductible contribution.

The business of FFNW is not dependent on your donation, just grateful for it, so that services can hopefully continue to be offered at low cost and with discounts as needed.


The only benefit to you for your support of Functional Fertility Northwest will be the satisfaction of knowing that you helped speak life and empowerment into a culture that so often promotes death and discouragement, and the diminishment of women.

And you will know that your generosity will have an impact for generations.  Just ask some of FFNW's satisfied customers!

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