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Post Partum Depression

Rapid relief is available!


Post-partum depression is not a symptom of anti-depressant deficiency.  It is also not something that women and their families need to endure without effective assistance! It is a complex of symptoms whose cause is not fully understood, yet treatment with properly timed and dosed bioidentical progesterone via the NaPro Post Partum Depression protocol is extremely effective at resolving these symptoms in most cases.  You can read about this remarkably simple and effective protocol here. 


While some women with severe post partum depression can experience suicidal or even homicidal thoughts, other women may suffer with symptoms such as:

dark/strange thoughts

non-suicidal depression 

hopelessness and excessive overwhelm

anxiety/panic attacks

hot flashes


excessive fatigue


poor appetite 

Imagine the immediate, and generational, effect of treating these strong mothers with the effective, supportive care they deserve.

I received a progesterone shot from Monica after the birth of my second child. For my first baby, I struggled with post partum anxiety and depression for months. I knew the signs to look for after my second baby was born and knew that Monica offered post partum support. When I started to feel myself getting low about 2 weeks after giving birth, I reached out and Monica got me in as soon as possible. Within three doses of the progesterone, I felt like a normal human being again. I am now 7 weeks post partum and haven't felt myself spiral at all like I did with my first. Monica is informative and caring. I am grateful for her and the progesterone. ~HT


In my experience working with women with post partum depression, when care was initiated prior to the onset of cycles, there have only been 2 cases where more than 3 injections (administered every other day) were needed to resolve or vastly improve their symptoms (in some cases only 1-2 injections were needed); in these cases patients still noted consistent improvement, but resolution of symptoms took 2-4 weeks instead of 2-6 days. 


The NaPro protocol for post partum depression, which consists primarily of properly timed and dosed bioidentical progesterone injections (oral dosing can also help, if a woman does not want injections, though intramuscular dosing is most effective and for some women the only effective route in this scenario), is extremely effective and works rapidly in most cases, if the care is initiated prior to the onset of the woman's menstrual cycle.  If a woman has already started back into menstrual cycles, she can still be helped with properly timed progesterone, using Creighton charting, and with functional medicine tools.


In addition to the NaPro protocol, I also use functional medicine principles and simple lab evaluation for post-partum patients who want it, to ensure that other common potential post-partum nutrient deficiencies are not contributing to their symptoms.  


This simple and effective care is life-changing, and potentially life-saving in severe cases, for women and their families! 

How do I get started?

Simply email: to schedule

Schedule availability is maintained to quickly accommodate women seeking help for post partum depression.  No Creighton charting is needed to start NaPro protocol for post partum support (if not yet back in cycles).

Pricing for post-partum depression visit: $100.  Includes initial 60 min visit and all follow up visits and phone calls, and progesterone injection administration as appropriate. *This care is included in the fee for NaPro in pregnancy management for women who have also received that care through FFNW.*   No woman will be denied post-partum depression care at FFNW because of inability to pay visit fee. 
Any lab fees (if labs ordered) and prescription progesterone (usually approximately $20/vial) not included in visit fee.  

All pricing and discounts subject to change.

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